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Nutrition Needs Beyond the ICU

Nutrition intervention is a strong focus in the ICU.  ASPEN critical care guidelines suggest meeting protein needs early in an effort to obtain the best outcomes.  The guidelines suggest 1.2-2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight and in some scenarios even more.  Meeting protein guidelines in the ICU presents its own level of challenges but what about beyond the ICU?  What happens after discharge from the ICU?  What level of support do these patient’s receive?  And what do they actually need?

A study conducted in 2010 concluded that spontaneous intake of post ICU patients was an average of about 700 kcal/ day.  The study also concluded that patients consumed <50% of their total calorie/ protein goals as well.

Research suggest that patients who are discharged from the ICU still require substantial nutrition support in the form of both calories and protein to aid in recovery.   One study suggests upwards of 3000-4500 kcal per day and 1.5-2.5 grams/ kg of body weight in protein/ day. And what we can conclude from this research is aggressive nutrition intervention should not stop when leaving the ICU.  Patients will require prolonged support in the form of both calories and protein to combat muscle loss post ICU stay.

The good news is we have a solution.  Many of them.  Medtrition provides a variety of calorie and protein products to meet the demands of a post ICU intervention.  Low volume, easily digested protein products to meet the needs of those that need it most.  Gelatein, ProSource Liquid Protein, XtraCal Plus and Cafe Parfait will all help your patients reach their goals in a small portion with big nutritional impact.


To learn more about what Medtrition has to offer CLICK HERE



Peterson SJ, Tsai AA, Scala CM, Sowa DC, Sheean PM, Braunschweig CL. Adequacy of oral intake in critically ill patients 1 week after extubation. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010;110(3):427–33.
van Zanten, A.R.H., De Waele, E. & Wischmeyer, P.E. Nutrition therapy and critical illness: practical guidance for the ICU, post-ICU, and long-term convalescence phases. Crit Care 23, 368 (2019).

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