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Nov. 17 is Worldwide Pressure Injury Prevention Day.

stoplogoOn November 17th hospitals and nursing homes all over the world are sharing basic information about pressure injuries with the aim to decrease the instance of pressure injuries among patients and residents whether they receiving treatment in a hospital, at home or in a long term care facility.
renament-rightWe know there are multiple causes of pressure injuries but there are also a few basic things we can do to keep skin healthy; increasing blood flow through movement and exercise, cleanliness, and of course nutrition. When skin is not getting one or more of these , it can become weak leading to tissue breakdown.
prosourcenocarb-smallActivity, proper nutrition and personal hygiene all play a major in the health of skin. Accordingly the types of foods we eat can have an effect on the health of our skin. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and protein helps our skin-and many other parts of our bodies – stay healthy and strong.argimentat-small
Pressure injuries  can become sites for infection leading to even greater complications, costing averaging  nearly $127,000 in health care costs per patient. Nationwide, this adds billions to our healthcare costs.
As a leading supplier of multiple protein options for acute and long term care facilities, we support Worldwide Pressure Injury Day and invite you to look at the many  options we have for increasing protein, nitrogen and specify amino acids that speed the recovery of pressure injuries.xtracal3GelateinPlusCups

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