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NCP October Journal Review: The Lingering Safety Menace: A 10-Year Review of Enteral Misconnection Adverse Events

In healthcare, safety protocols are essential for ensuring the well-being of patients. However, even with the best systems in place, errors can occur that can have serious consequences. An article recently published in the Nutrition in Clinical Practice (NCP) journal shines a light on one such issue—enteral misconnections.  The article titled “The Lingering Safety Menace: A 10-Year Review of Enteral Misconnection Adverse Events” discusses enteral misconnections which refers to errors where feeding tubes are connected to the wrong port, such as intravenous lines, leading to the delivery of nutrients or medication in the wrong location. This can cause serious harm, including infection, organ failure, or even death. Despite advancements in medical technology and protocols aimed at preventing these errors, they continue to occur.

Over the course of ten years, the study reviewed numerous reports of adverse events resulting from enteral misconnections. The results were alarming: despite awareness campaigns and safety improvements, such events continue to occur.

One of the most significant insights from the narrative review was the role that standardization in medical equipment could play in reducing these errors. The introduction of safer, standardized connectors, such as the ENFit system, was hailed as a step in the right direction, but its adoption has been inconsistent across healthcare facilities.

The authors advocate for wider adoption of standardized enteral feeding connectors, which are designed to prevent cross-connections. However, they also stress the importance of ongoing education and training to ensure that healthcare professionals are well-versed in their use.  Despite technological advancements, the review emphasized that human factors remain at the heart of enteral misconnections. Fatigue, stress, understaffing, and miscommunication were all cited as contributing factors.

The 10-year review offers a tough reminder of the challenges in healthcare safety, particularly in the context of enteral feeding management. While progress has been made, the persistence of adverse events stresses the need for ongoing attention and systemic changes. The article serves as a call to action for healthcare institutions, urging them to not only adopt safer technologies such as ENFit connectors but also to prioritize a culture of safety through education, training, and better communication.

Ultimately, as the article highlights, eliminating enteral misconnections requires a multifaceted approach, combining technological innovations with human-centered strategies. Only through this combination can healthcare providers hope to protect patients from this preventable, yet still prevalent, safety menace.

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