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Major ICU Patient Study Further Supports Benefits of Higher Protein Intake

A recent peer reviewed study  involving 202 ICU’s and nearly 3,000 mechanically ventilated patients published in the February 2017 journal, Critical Care Medicine, further supports the benefits of increasing protein in higher risk ICU patients.
The study examined the link between patients with nutritional risk as evaluated by the NUTrition Risk in Critical Illness score (NUTRIC SCORE) and the impact of increased protein and/or energy on 60-day mortality and “time to discharge alive” (TDA). The authors concluded that the study suggests “patients who have higher NUTRIC score at ICU admission may benefit most significantly from greater protein and energy intake especially during longer ICU stays.” An abstract of the study can be  found here: Greater_Protein_and_Energy_Intake_May_Be.2
ProSource TF:
ProSourceTF is the only modular liquid protein made exclusively for tube feeding. Water thin ProSource TF can be administered directly down the feeding tube without having to be mixed or diluted with water which reduces risk of cross contamination and dramatically reduces labor and administration.
ProSource TF contains 11 grams of protein per 45 mL packet. Complete in all amino acids and with a  PDCAAS Score of 100, it contains no added sweeteners or artificial flavors or colors to eliminate potential allergens. And with an osmolality that is virtually isotonic, ProSource TF will not contribute to osmotic diarrhea so common in tube fed patients.
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