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Eye-appealing purees promote consumption.

In 1990 we started a revolution when we created the first ever pre-formed pureed meats for the dysphagia diet. We’ve come a long way since the industry turned away from  ‘mystery bowels’ of pureed foods. But one thing has remained constant: residents consume more food when it is eye-appealing, good tasting and a consistency that promotes a safer swallow.
And now a new study that was presented at this year’s ASPEN conference once again confirms:CP-fruit

  • Patients who received formed pureed foods consumed an average of 500 more calories per day than those receiving made from scratch.
  • Significantly more patients met at least 75% of estimated calorie needs after formed foods were implemented.
  • The use of formed foods may be beneficial in improving intakes of patients on pureed diets and help accelerate the transition from enteral nutrition to an oral diet.

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