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Blood Thinners, Vitamin K and the Dysphagia Diet

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Complications related to cardiovascular disease often require pharmaceutical intervention to ensure appropriate management. One common medication that is used is Coumadin (generic-warfarin). Coumadin is an anticoagulant that helps thin the blood, reducing the risk of blood clots and helping overall flow. Because Coumadin inhibits vitamin K dependent clotting factors it is important to monitor the consumption of high vitamin K foods. Vitamin K is mainly found in green vegetables. It is often recommended to limit the consumption of these foods to ensure appropriate function of the medication. This intervention leaves little option for compliant vegetables and even less if patients require a modified consistency diet. Our new additions to the puree line help improve that barrier. We recently added 6 new items; and 5 of them would be ideal to include in a low vitamin K diet. Cauliflower, Beets, Sweet potato, white rice and bow tie pasta will all naturally be low in vitamin K, which will increase variety and compliance of their modified consistency diet. Café Puree provides the variety that a patient needs and encourages consumption without repetition which will likely increase their overall intake and nutritional status.

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