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Posted onJune 7, 2015

Medtrition products now available in Jordan.

We help people feel better – in Jordan too! Medtrition is extremely pleased to announce the launch of Medtrition products in the Kingdom of Jordan. Our exclusive distribution partner is Amman based Jordan Comprehensive Nutrition (JCN) led by Rami Shahrouri, CEO. Initial products being launched are ArgiMent AT, Banatrol Plus, HyFiber, ProSource TF and both the Raspberry Crème...

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Posted onJune 7, 2015

Debilitating diarrhea from chemotherapy.

We really enjoy sharing unsolicited testimonials from customers because they reflect just how important our products are to the lives of many people suffering from various health conditions. We greatly appreciate this testimonial from the daughter of the mother suffering from debilitating diarrhea as a side affect from chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer. "I want to share my mot...

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Posted onMay 27, 2015

Meeting Protein needs for better outcomes.

Clinicians often focus on meeting energy needs in ICU patients to improve outcomes. However, a new study, Clinical Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients Associated With Protein Delivery published in JPEN suggests that meeting protein needs provides better outcomes. “Outcomes research in critically ill patients suggests a link between the amount of energy received and mortality;...

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Posted onMay 1, 2015

"Housebound before using Banatrol Plus"

We get so many incredible testimonials on our products from healthcare facilities around the world. Some are from large, important medical facilities, others are from doctors, clinicians or healthcare specialist. Last week we posted a testimonial from a clinician who helped a patient with short bowel syndrome who had to be readmitted to a hospital multiple times before  being ...

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Posted onApril 28, 2015

C. diff kills thousands in hospitals annually.

In a new study  published online in Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, nearly half of American hospitals aren’t taking key steps to prevent Clostridium difficile, an  infection that kills nearly 30,000 people annually and sickens hundreds of thousands more – despite strong evidence that such steps work. While nearly all of the 398 hospitals studied in the pape...

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Posted onApril 22, 2015

Banatrol Plus for Short Bowel Syndrome.

Recently we worked with a “TPR” hospital in Maryland. TPR stands for Total Patient Revenue System, a revenue constraint system developed by the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission to provide hospitals with a financial incentive to manage their resources efficiently and effectively in order to slow the rate of increase in the cost of health care. Part of this pro...

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Posted onApril 22, 2015

Can cranberries prevent recurrent UTI's?

Urinary tract infections (UTI's) account for 20-30% of infections in Long Term Care and the most common cause of  hospitalization for bacterial infection. It has been common practice to prescribe antibiotics to these patients, even when they are asymptomatic. This approach, however, often does more harm than good, leading to increased rates of adverse drug effects and more rec...

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Posted onApril 16, 2015

High-osmolality formulations can contribute to diarrhea, especially when delivered into the small bowel.

Diarrhea in the tube fed patient has many causes. Typically, it is not the tube-feeding formula itself, as most are lactose-free and have lower osmolality. Diarrhea may be related to the infusion rate of the feeding (given too quickly for absorption). More common causes of tube feeding related diarrhea are related to medications.  Antibiotics can be life saving for a patient, ...

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Posted onApril 14, 2015

The Indirect Cost of C. Diff diarrhea.

As clinicians you know the direct cost of a C. diff outbreak is expensive in terms of nursing time, environmental services, medications, and testing as well as patient discomfort and embarrassment.  But the example reported below shows that the indirect cost of C. diff infection to a facility can be well beyond the direct cost. A 100 bed skilled facility with over 300+ indepen...

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Posted onApril 1, 2015

Eye-appealing purees promote consumption.

In 1990 we started a revolution when we created the first ever pre-formed pureed meats for the dysphagia diet. We’ve come a long way since the industry turned away from  'mystery bowels' of pureed foods. But one thing has remained constant: residents consume more food when it is eye-appealing, good tasting and a consistency that promotes a safer swallow. (more…)...

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