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Posted onMarch 2, 2016

Medtrition attends Critical Care Symposium in Panama.

The 8th Congress PANAMANIAN of Critical Medicine and Therapy Intensive and the 5th International Symposium of NEUROINTENSIVE Medicine was held from April 14- 18, 2015  in Panama City, Panama. This event was attended by 26 international teachers  from Argentina, USA, Spain, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico) and 28 national teachers (Panama). This co...

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Posted onMarch 1, 2016

Protein supplementation is never a one size fits all.

Current literature shows that meeting the individual protein and calorie needs of patients is critical in improving outcomes. However, most enteral formulas and oral nutrition supplements are designed to meet "average needs" or a one size fits all approach. Our customers have let us know that they have more than one type of patient. Medtrition offers the widest variety of prot...

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Posted onFebruary 22, 2016

Banatrol Plus and Warfarin

A new study published in the February 2016 issue of Nutrition in Clinical Practice, V 31 No.1 (ASPEN) concludes that "concomitant use of warfarin and Banatrol Plus may result in a reduced rate and extent of diarrhea and may be associated with subtherapeutic international normalization ratio (INR) and decreased warfarin efficacy. Practitioners must be aware of this potential int...

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Posted onFebruary 12, 2016

New clinical study shows PSTF meets protein needs in ICU!

We made news! A new study published in March’s Clinical Nutrition ESPEN shows that ProSource TF and ProSource Plus Liquid Proteins are clinically proven effective in optimizing nutrition care in ICU tube fed patients by meeting individualized protein requirements without overfeeding calories. According to recent studies and the 2016 ASPEN Critical Care Guidelines, relativel...

Posted in Blog
Posted onJanuary 31, 2016

High calorie and high protein gelatin.

Medtrition introduces Gelatein Plus cups, three fresh fruit flavored high calorie,  high protein gelatins.  Ideal for clear liquid diets, pressure ulcers and the dysphagia diet or whenever extra protein and calories are needed. Each 4 oz. shelf stable cup contains 20 grams of protein and 150 calories! Delicious Lemon, Pineapple and Cherry flavors are a refreshing change of pa...

Posted in Blog
Posted onNovember 12, 2015

Banana flakes vs wheat dextrin to control diarrhea

We were recently asked if Benefiber ® can be used as successfully as Banatrol Plus for treating diarrhea. Benefiber is a dietary supplement- a single fiber made from wheat dextrin and is most often used to supplement dietary fiber intake. As a dietary fiber wheat dextrin can help with both diarrhea and constipation. Wheat dextrin feeds all gut bacteria - both the good and bad...

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Posted onNovember 2, 2015

Dosing Banatrol Plus

We received a question from a facility that was beginning its implementation of Banatrol Plus: Does it have to be administered TID? Banatrol Plus does not always need to start TID, it is just that we need to give a recommended starting dose. It is important to understand that one size never fits all in a clinical situation. The nurse, pharmacist and/or RD should do a review of ...

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Posted onOctober 13, 2015

Banatrol Plus Commercial

Check out our new 60 second Banatrol Plus commercial posted on our website. It gives a great overall view of the 4 main causes of diarrhea Banatrol Plus is used and why it's effective.      ...

Posted in Blog
Posted onOctober 7, 2015

25 countries and Growing!

We help people feel better throughout the US and in over 25 countries and growing! Canada, Latin America, United Kingdom, Middle East, Asia, the Mediterranean and Puerto Rico. Contact us at for the distributor nearest you....

Posted in Blog
Posted onOctober 2, 2015

A life changing story.

Our customer service manager said that someone on the telephone  wanted to speak to me about Banatrol Plus. When I picked up the phone I was met by the sounds of a sobbing woman. When she was finally able to compose herself she told me her story. She said she was an oncology patient with colon cancer and had undergone more than a year of chemo and radiation therapy. This had l...

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