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Barriers of Bariatric Surgery

Gelatein 20 high protein gelatinThe obesity epidemic continues to affect our population both in the US and worldwide. While there are constant and continuous initiatives to aid in the reversal and management of this dilemma some patients need more support than the traditional intervention program can provide. For patients requiring more aggressive intervention, bariatric surgery may be a necessary discussion.   While the journey to bariatric surgery may not be a short one, the journey to recovery can be even longer. In addition to the emotional toll that surgery may play patients have to manage the challenges of understanding their new physical hunger cues, meal pattern changes, and vitamin and mineral insufficiencies, all while maintaining adequate hydration and fueling the body for recovery.
One of the biggest barriers with bariatric surgery is meeting protein needs. Protein plays a huge role in support and recovery after surgery and it is a corner stone to ensure successful outcomes. The market is flooded with protein products, and finding the right product with high protein, low carbohydrates and low volume can be like finding a needle in a haystack.
Gelatein 20 helps meet the protein needs of this population in a unique way. It is the only clear liquid supplement that provides the necessary protein to help meet the increased needs of this population while still keeping volume, carbohydrates and taste in mind.   Gelatein 20 is a sugar free, clear liquid supplement that has the taste and texture of a gelatin dessert with the added protein that is in high demand. The flavors and texture provide a welcomed change to the traditional protein alternatives.  Meeting protein needs after bariatric surgery can be a battle; Let Gelatein 20 help you win the war.

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