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Banatrol Plus for Short Bowel Syndrome.

Recently we worked with a “TPR” hospital in Maryland. TPR stands for Total Patient Revenue System, a revenue constraint system developed by the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission to provide hospitals with a financial incentive to manage their resources efficiently and effectively in order to slow the rate of increase in the cost of health care. Part of this program involves financial penalties hospitals can experience when patients are readmitted. The  penalties that can run as much as $12,000 and more in lost revenue with each readmission!
Here is an great example of how Medtrition products can reduce the rate of re-admissions. This hospital had a patient who suffered from extreme diarrhea due to short bowel syndrome and was readmitted 9 times over a two-month period. Fortunately, a hospital RD who saw the patient during a home visit was familiar with Banatrol Plus and its effectiveness for diarrhea from short bowel disease.
The RD immediately prescribed one or two packets a day of Banatrol Plus a day. That was four months ago and the patient has not only not been readmitted to the hospital but has been able to return to a normal life, even being able to go out and shop for new clothes, an activity she had not been able to do before being administered Banatrol Plus.
Medtrition: We do help people feel better!

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